Technical specifications

Scope of works:

  • Construction of a sewerage tunnel
  • length: 6.950 m
  • internal diameter 7,10 m
  • external diameter 7,80 m
  • 7 shafts

Construction method:

  • TBM tunnelling using an EPB shield
  • shield diameter 8.13 m
  • Tunnel lining with 8 trapezoid segments per ring, 350 mm thick, 1.70 m wide


  • London Clay

General data

Thames Tideway Tunnel,
Contract C405, Tideway West,
London, UK


Tideway (Bazalgette Tunnel Limited),
London, United Kingdom


Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG
in a joint venture

Construction period

2015 to 2021

Construction costs
GBP 416 million

Sewerage tunnel
6.950 m
Construction Method
TBM tunnelling using an EPB shield

More information:

London’s water and wastewater system provider, Thames Water, is improving its water quality through a three-stage upgrade. Thames Tideway Tunnel is intended to carry sewerage from 34 of London’s largest combined overflows over a length of 25 km, store and transfer it to Lee Tunnel from 2023 on. The main tunnel will have an internal diameter of 7.2 m and start at a depth of approx. 30 m in Acton. From there the tunnel follows the course of the Thames through and under London’s central business district and terminating at a depth of 70 m at Abbey Mills Pumping Station.

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